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Youth Alliance for Zero Hunger



The Youth Alliance for Zero Hunger is a youth-led, youth-governed group to act as a conduit for evidence, examples, perspectives, and voices of youth to progress the goals of zero hunger and sustainable development. The Youth Alliance initially developed from discussions during the 45th Annual Session of the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS45) which tackled topics about how to Attract, Engage, Recruit, and Retain Youth in Agriculture. Since then, the direction has further developed into the engagement and employment of youth in agriculture and food systems.


Today, the Youth Alliance has members from YPARD, World Farmers Organization, Nuffield International, Thought for Food, GCSAYN, IAAS, I4Nature, IFAMA, and young people literally engaged in different sectors of the agri-food systems (e.g. business, finance, research, academia, digital agriculture). The Alliance works closely with the United Nations Food Agencies, also known as Rome-based Agencies (RBAs), namely: the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and World Food Programme (WFP).


The times have changed! The world now recognizes how critical it is to engage and have the youth involved in achieving sustainable agri-food systems. The Youth Alliance is a powerful platform to agvocate for this very moment. Let's work together and take action in haping sustainable agri-food systems for the world!

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